Oct 29, 2018
We talk about our gripes with sleep overs and give a stories about a few bad ones. What happened with the gang war outside Meader's house? Why did Pepin not want to look at the ceiling? And what did why was Meader's walls made of legos?
What was your worst sleep over? Let us know in the comments!
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Oct 22, 2018
We talk about our gripes with sleep overs and give a stories about a few bad ones. Is Pepin really that bad of a host? Does Meader talk in his sleep? And is there an impending gang war?
What was your worst sleep over? Let us know in the comments!
You can find us at:
Oct 15, 2018
We sit down with Anita again to answer some pressing questions on Meader's mind.
Is there a cell phone conspiracy? Do werewolves have human or wolf parts? And why does Pepin have hot sauce on the shelf?
If you have a question, let us know in the comments!
Get the book on Amazon: http://a.co/d/iXcWEZ7
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Oct 8, 2018
We sit down with Anita to discuss her book "Letters to My Ex: with all my love ~ a", which a nonfiction compilation of letters that Anita wrote to her ex.
We talk about what the book is about, why she wrote it, the reaction she has gotten, and Steve confronts Anita as to who was really in the right.
Get the book on...
Oct 1, 2018
We talk about whether kids should be able run lemonade stands.
What does the law say? What if you get sick? If there is a law on the books, should the police enforce the law or just ignore it?
Would you drink lemonade made by an 8 year old? Let us know in the comments!
You can find us at: