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We Need To Talk

Sep 26, 2016

Chelsea stops in to talk about dreams. Is life a dream? Do dreams mean anything? Is that tall man in a top hat with long slender fingers a product of generational dreaming? To find out, tune it to We Need To Talk. Find more about Chelsea at:

Sep 19, 2016

Pepin and Meader continue their series on Dating Stories with a fan call-in from Jen. Ron Jeremy, bags of pills, and Pony Court highlight this stand-out episode.

Sep 12, 2016

Scientology, Ghost Sex, Pirates... is there anything this episode DOESN'T have?

Sep 5, 2016

It's the second installment of the fan favorite topic as Pepin & Meader delve into the expansive and ever interesting world of Greek Mythology with returning special guest, Brieann! Protection Juice, Horses, and of course all the signature WNTT topics will be covered in this hilarious episode!