May 28, 2018
We talk wrestling with C&G wrestling.
What was the worst gimmick? What was Eugine's special move again? And what was with that egg?
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May 21, 2018
We talk wrestling with C&J wrestling.
What is going on with current pro wrestling? Is Ronda Rousey actually good? Was the attitude era actually better?
Check out C&J Wrestling at
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May 14, 2018
We finish part two of a hard to talk about subject with Shit Happens When You Party Naked
What is the ideal porn? What are some useful hotkeys when browsing? Would you watch Pepin in a porn?
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May 7, 2018
We talk about a hard to talk about subject with Shit Happens When You Party Naked
What is porn? Why is incest porn so popular? What is the weirdest porn Meader has seen?
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