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We Need To Talk

May 25, 2020

We cross post out conversation from the Does Anything Matter podcast about values. What are values? Are they inherent or do we make them? Is morality real? 

You can find Does Anything Matter at

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May 18, 2020

We sit down with Wingate from Roll With Me podcast to talk D&D. Wingate and Meader tell some of their best D&D stories. Pepin tells the story of how he became the Dungeon Master.

What is your favorite class in D&D? Let us know the comments!

Find Roll With Me @



May 11, 2020

We sit down with Wingate from Roll With Me podcast to talk D&D. What is D&D and how does it work? What is it like being a dungeon master?

Do you play D&D? Let us know the comments!

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